Student Life

At NMSD, in addition to academic excellence, we focus on the emotional and social development of our students.

Our Student Life program supports each student’s full human potential in a safe and emotionally rewarding environment.

We strongly believe parental involvement and input maximize students’ growth.

Our residential program works closely with families and provides quality access to communication, language, and literacy, which allows for positive interactions and lifelong friendships.

We focus on child development in these crucial areas:

  • Literacy

  • Leadership

  • Emotional/Social Skills

  • Self-Awareness/Self-Esteem

  • Problem Solving/Decision Making

  • Appreciation/Respect for Diversity

The Student Life Pledge

Icon of a bed

Warm and Inviting Cottages

Hands holding a house icon

Residential Program

 Icon of a bus

Total Miles Driven Annually

 Icon of a fork, knife and spoon

Free meals for Students