Community Supports

Our Early Intervention Specialists:
Partner with CMS (Children's Medical Services) to ensure that timely services are delivered and that all the 23,000 newborns screened in New Mexico each year are accounted for within the system.
Provide hearing screening trainings to ECECD FIT (Early Childhood Education & Care Department Family, Infant, Toddler) agencies, enabling them to screen more than 15,000 IDEA Part C children per year.
Conduct more than 2,400 hearing screenings at Child Finds and Health Fairs throughout the state.
Collaborate with higher education institutions on research and training.
Participate as members and leaders on multiple state early intervention/early childhood councils such as the Interagency Coordinating Council.

NMSD Early Intervention services support our program to provide comprehensive developmental services to children with hearing loss as well as to identify children in need of early intervention to support their language development to avoid academic delays. NMSD is also a critical piece in our remote Navajo communities to support families in understanding their child’s hearing loss so families can make informed decisions. Navajo families and children benefit from the strong partnership with NMSD staff as the family’s language, Navajo and Deaf cultures are respected.
Paula Seanez
Director, Diné Education Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services

The NMSD Early Intervention program has been an integral part of the state Early Hearing and Intervention (EHDI) System for over 20 years! Through our partnership with NMSD, we continue to meet the gold standard for the EHDI program of 1-3-6: Screening by one month of age, diagnostics by three months of age, and early intervention by six months of age. As infants are identified as Deaf or Hard of Hearing through the initial screening and diagnostic process a referral is sent immediately to NMSD to begin services and families have shared that this extra support is appreciated.
Susan Chacon
Director, Children’s Medical Services Title V Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program

Hands & Voices NM (HVNM) is a parent-driven non-profit organization that hosts community events for families who have Deaf/Hard of Hearing children, through our Guide by Your Side (GBYS) Program. NMSD's Early Intervention program is essential to families in our state and our organization is fortunate to have collaborated with them for many years on events such as ASL Story Time at the Park, Virtual Painting Parties, and Fall Festivals. Partnering with NMSD has helped HVNM bring families together, enabling greater connections. We are grateful to work together and look forward to future collaborations!
Carmen Armenta
Executive Director/Guide By Your Side Parent Coordinator, HVNM

In my experience, the relationship between New Mexico's Family Infant Toddler early intervention system (FIT) and NMSD is remarkable. We share a deep and meaningful understanding of the range of services offered by both FIT and NMSD and that means there are no silo walls between these two vital services. Instead, there is collaboration, commitment, and partnership. My professional life has been deeply enriched by learning from the staff at NMSD and I know this is true for so many of our early intervention service providers throughout the state who have worked alongside their partners at NMSD.
Leah Davidson
Bureau Chief/Part C Coordinator, Family Infant Toddler Program (FIT)